We research countries that have made extraordinary progress in health outcomes so global health leaders can learn from each other. We invite you to sign up to become a member of the Exemplars community and learn more about how you can leverage our resources.

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Learn more about the vision and voices behind Exemplars in Global Health.

Community features

One of the unique features of the Exemplars in Global Health platform is that you can create, save, and download custom reports. Whether you're interested in a topic that spans geographies or want to focus on positive outliers in a single country or region, you can build the report that serves you best. Our research uses standardized methods to pinpoint countries that have outperformed their peers in key areas of public health, controlling for factors like economic growth, so you can easily compare and contrast.

We invite our community to help make our platform better. All our research is guided by technical advisory panels who conduct a literature review, qualitative analysis, and quantitative analyses for each country narrative. But we can always do better. That's why we invite Exemplars members to post annotations on our research – so we can learn from our community and people in the field.

All of our topics feature Perspectives by some of the leading voices in global health. They share their insights, lessons, and analyses in their own voices. As a community, however, we believe that all voices should be heard. We encourage you to respectfully comment on our Perspectives. 

How can we help?

The Exemplars program is here to support you

Learn from exemplar countries

Read, annotate, and build reports from Exemplars narratives to understand positive outliers and inform policy and practice.
in field

Explore global health data

Our Exemplars Data Explorer allows you to create and share custom visualizations to interpret global health data.

Connect with Experts

Our expert network includes leading researchers, global health experts, and in-country program implementation specialists.


Partners for Thematic Research for COVID-19 are listed within the country narratives on their respective pages

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