Overall impact:     Medium





Care for pregnant women before and during birth and for mothers after birth have both a direct biological linkage to stunting reduction and are associated with improved ability for a mother to care for herself and her child.

Literature Review






Complete antenatal care, particularly during the first trimester of pregnancy, has been identified as having a protective effect against stunting, while lack of antenatal care has been associated with higher stunting rates.1 2  However, data on quality of nutrition-specific interventions targeting pregnant women are limited.

Quantitative Analysis






Based on the linear mixed effects regression, skilled birth attendance significantly influenced stunting prevalence in the expected direction. This correlation was significant at the 1 percent level but the effect size was small, at 0.07 Cohen’s F2 (compared with PAN, which had an effect size of 1.64).

Antenatal care, however, was not found to be a significant influencer of stunting prevalence.

Driven primarily by the contribution of skilled birth attendance, maternal care under the decomposition analysis is the largest driver of predicted HAZ-score over the 2000-2016 period and was also significant over the 2008-2016 period.

Qualitative Analysis






Not mentioned specifically. However, maternal care was an important part of several key programs brought up and discussed in interviews (e.g., Juntos, PSMN).


A mother’s own care during pregnancy and delivery is unequivocally essential. The SBA and ANC4+ markers identified in this study extend beyond care for the mother-child pair during pregnancy and delivery (where she, for instance, receives the required knowledge, vaccines, supplements and appropriate hygienic care during these critical periods). SBA and ANC4+ are also markers of a mother’s broader health care knowledge and care-seeking behavior. As such, these prominent indicators could reflect healthier choices and disease prevention and treatment behaviors of the mother.

  1. 1
    Mariños-Anticona C, Chaña-Toledo R, Medina-Osis J, Vidal-Anzardo M, Valdez-Huarcaya W. Determinantes sociales de la desnutrición crónica infantil en el Perú. Rev peru epidemiol. 2014;18:1-7.
  2. 2
    Casapía M, Joseph SA, Núñez C, Elham R, Gyorkos TW. Parasite and maternal risk factors for malnutrition in preschool-age children in Belen, Peru using the new WHO child growth standards. Br J Nutr [Internet]. 2007;98:1259-66.