Impact in Action
Exemplars in Global Health identifies positive health outliers, studies successes, and shares findings so that leaders can adapt and implement lessons in their own settings. Our research can support you to learn about a new issue, design a new policy, or implement a new program by providing context-specific recommendations rooted in Exemplar findings. Impact in Action highlights where Exemplar research was used to inform decision-making towards impact. These summaries are representative of the decision support services that we provide. If you are interested in learning more about how Exemplars in Global Health can support you, please contact us

Case Studies
Explore case studies by topic:
- Anemia Among WRA
- Community Health Workers
- COVID-19
- Stunting
Impact in Action
1000 Days Fund develops Indicator Technical guide to support M&E of stunting reduction programs
Monitoring and evaluating performance of 1000 Days Fund programming provides actionable feedback.
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Impact in Action
High-Impact Nutritional Investment in Malawi for the JBJ Foundation
Identifying the most promising health sector areas in Malawi for private investment.
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Impact in Action
Educational case development for IPPHL
Developed teaching case studies for fellows based on Exemplars in Global Health research on a community health worker program in Liberia.
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Impact in Action
COVID-19 Promising Practice(s) Repository in Collaboration with India COVID SOS
Identifying and sharing promising practice(s) in COVID-19 management and patient care in India.
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Impact in Action
Essential Health Service (EHS) Delivery During COVID-19
Identifying high-performing Local Government Areas that reduced EHS delivery disruptions during the pandemic may lead to concrete and replicable examples about what contributes to resilient health sys...
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Impact In Action
Anemia Action Planning with the Senegalese Ministry of Health and Social Action
Accelerating the reduction of anemia in Senegal through the creation of a national anemia action plan
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The Exemplars network offers tailored service across the decision-making process.

Exemplars staff are available to answer questions that clarify our research, insight, methodology, and conclusions.
Ask an Expert
High quality, quick turnaround answers.
Research Desk
Light-touch research support using the Exemplars platform to investigate topics of interest.
Staffed by leading global researchers and in-country experts, these services help country health ministries and their partners explore new solutions and optimize existing programs.
Custom content for educational use.
Workshops / Webinars
In-person and virtual working sessions.
South-South Collaboration
Support with content and connections to peers in Exemplar countries.
Staffed by leading global researchers and in-country experts, these services help country health ministries and their partners explore new solutions and optimize existing programs.
Advanced Analytics
Customized analyses to adapt Exemplar content and approach to another context.
Sub-national research
Apply Exemplar methodology in-country to understand sub-national variation and provide context specific recommendations.