Research Process

The Exemplars in Maternal and Newborn Mortality study aims to systematically and comprehensively evaluate factors associated with rapid reductions in maternal and neonatal mortality. Selected countries demonstrated success at reducing maternal and neonatal mortality beyond what would be expected based on economic progress alone – as measured by changes in the gross national income per capita from 2000 to 2017. Data availability, regional representation, and existing in-country partnerships were also considered in the country selection process. The countries identified as Exemplars were Bangladesh, Ethiopia, India, Morocco, Nepal, Niger, and Senegal.

A mixed-methods approach was used to assess key drivers of progress and findings have been synthesized across five methods of inquiry: literature review, quantitative analysis of country-level data, qualitative analysis, policy and program review, and financing analysis. The research in Ethiopia has been completed in collaboration with a consortium of research partners, including Countdown to 2030, University of Manitoba, The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, as well as the Ethiopian Public Health Institute.

Figure 40: NMR/MMR Exemplars Country Selection

Figure 40: NMR/MMR Exemplars Country Selection
UN MMEIG ; UN IGME ; World Bank