Explore data visualizations for under-five-mortality in Senegal, or explore more Senegal-specific data in the Data Explorer.

Advances for women in Senegal over time

Data Source: Demographic and Health Survey (DHS), UNESCO Institute for Statistics

Change in under-5 mortality rate versus change in GDP per capita

Data Source: IHME GBD 2017, World Bank

Diarrhea disease mortality and intervention coverage in Senegal

Data Source: Demographic and Health Survey (DHS); IHME GBD 2017; WHO/UNICEF Coverage Estimates (2019 global summary)

Ethnic groups in Senegal

Data Source: Uppsala Conflict Data Program website

GDP per capita

Data Source: World Bank

Health expenditure per capita

Data Source: IHME Health Financing, World Bank

Incidence of pneumonia and diarrhea over time

Data Source: Demographic and Health Survey (DHS)

Lower respiratory infections mortality and intervention coverage in Senegal

Data Source: Demographic and Health Survey (DHS); IHME GBD 2017; WHO/UNICEF Coverage Estimates (2019 global summary)

Malaria incidence per 1000 population in Senegal, 2013

Data Source: Senegal National Malaria Control Program

Malaria mortality and intervention coverage in Senegal

Data Source: Demographic and Health Survey (DHS); IHME GBD 2017

Map of Casamance

Data Source: CIA World Factbook

Measles mortality and vaccine coverage in Senegal

Data Source: Demographic and Health Survey (DHS); IHME GBD 2017

Neonatal disorders mortality and intervention coverage in Senegal

Data Source: Demographic and Health Survey (DHS); IHME GBD 2017

Nutritional deficiencies mortality, child growth and intervention coverage  in Senegal

Data Source: Demographic and Health Survey (DHS); IHME GBD 2017

Percentage of children aged 12-23 months with full and selected vaccinations

Data Source:  Demographic and Health Survey (DHS)

Population from 2000 to 2050 with projections

Data Source: United Nations World Population Prospects

Regions of Senegal

Data Source: CIA World Factbook

Remittances (% of GDP)

Data Source: World Bank

Senegal has outperformed neighboring countries and Countdown to 2030 peers in both U5M and NMR

Data Source: IHME GBD 2017

Under-five causes of death in Senegal over time, % of total U5M

Data Source: Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) GBD 2017

Under-five mortality in Senegal over time, death rates per 100,000 children under five

Data Source: Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) GBD 2017

WASH overview in Senegal - Households using piped water

Data Source: Demographic and Health Survey (DHS)

Lives Saved tool results for Senegal, 2000 - 2016

Data Source: Lives Saved Tool - Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

Decomposition analysis

Data Source: Analysis from GBD Risk Factors Collaborators, GBD 2017, IHME
