Service Packages Specific Activities

Community events-based surveillance (CEBS) for infectious diseases 

A. Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response (IDSR) and disease prevention and control (DPC)

Build relationships, communicate and coordinate with other community key informants, resource persons, and existing formal and informal networks for information dissemination and reporting

Community mapping and population registration including birth recording

Community death recording with special emphasis on maternal and neonatal death

Identify priority diseases and event triggers as they occur in the community (CEBS), including early case detection through active case finding

Adherence to DPC standard practices and community awareness of general DPC principles

Reproductive, maternal, and neonatal health care, health promotion education, and distribution of family planning products including oral contraceptives

A. Reproductive Health

Family planning promotion, counseling, and service provision; referral for additional family planning counseling and services where needed

B. Maternal and Neonatal Health

i. Antenatal Care (ANC)

ANC education and promotion and referral to health facilities for ANC visits

Identification of danger signs in pregnancy and referral to health facilities

Referral to facilities for deworming tabs, pre-natal vitamins and Insecticide-Treated Nets (ITNs) 

Birth planning and preparedness, including education on items needed for delivery and birth spacing 

Awareness on elimination of Maternal-to-Child Transmission of HIV and referral to facilities for identified HIV-positive mothers (collaborate with HIV/eMTCT officers where available) 

Treatment of malaria

ii. Home-based Maternal and Newborn Care

Postpartum home visits 

Well-being check for mother and newborn 

Identification and referral for maternal danger signs

Identification and referral for neonatal danger signs

Counsel about danger signs for mother and newborn, the need for prompt recognition and care-seeking, and advise on where to seek early care when needed

Promotion of essential care of the newborn and essential nutrition actions, including exclusive breastfeeding, supportive counseling, and troubleshooting of breastfeeding problems, referral when needed 

Promote hygienic umbilical cord care, including chlorhexidine application, and skin care 

Support for Kangaroo Mother Care (KMC) application 

Identify and support newborns who need additional care (e.g. low birthweight, sick, HIV-positive mother) 

Provide birth spacing and family planning counseling 

Promote birth registration and timely vaccination

Integrated community case management (iCCM) of diarrhea, malaria, and acute respiratory infection (ARI) in children under five and screening and referral

A. Child Health

i. Integrated Community Case Management (iCCM) of: 

Diarrhea, including provision of Oral Rehydration Salts (ORS) and zinc

Pneumonia, including provision of amoxicillin and pediatric paracetamol 

Malaria, referral of suspected cases if Rapid Diagnostic Tests (RDTs) are not available; confirmed case management with Artemisinin-Based Combination Therapy (ACT) for children under-five when RDTs are available and pre-referral treatment for severe cases; provision of pediatric paracetamol

ii. Community-based bi-directional referrals, particularly for newborns, for danger signs and other emergency cases
iii. Integrated outreach services including: 

Vaccination drop-out tracing for all under-fives

Under-five Vitamin A administration and de-worming during campaigns
B. Nutrition 

Mid-upper arm circumference (MUAC) screening and referrals for malnourished children 

Nutrition education for caregivers and households, including: optimal nutrition for women, exclusive breastfeeding up to six months for infants, optimal complementary feeding starting at six months with continued breastfeeding to two years of age and beyond, nutritional care for the sick and malnourished
Adult health services including support for patients living with HIV, TB, and select neglected tropical diseases, and provision of first aid and basic life-saving skills

A. First aid

Principles of first aid, including prevention and basic response

B. Communicable diseases 

HIV/AIDS education and prevention messaging, and counseling for treatment adherence

Tuberculosis (TB) education and prevention messaging, and counseling for treatment adherence

Leprosy education, counseling, and referral

Awareness on stigma and discrimination

C. Mental Health

Identification, referral, and monitoring of patients with signs and symptoms of mental health disorders

Awareness on stigma and discrimination


Explore data visualizations for community health workers in Liberia, or explore more Liberia-specific data in the Data Explorer.

Annual number of research publications with medical subject heading (MeSH) "Liberia"

Data Source: PubMed

Case for investment in the scale-up of the National Community Health Assistant (NHCA) program

Data Source: Ministry of Health of Liberia

Change in under-five mortality rate (U5MR) versus change in gross domestic product (GDP) per capita

Data Source: Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME)

CHW (Community Health Assistant) program implementation funding

CHWs monthly treatments of iCCM  and malnutrition screenings

Data Source: National Community Health Assistant Program

CHW (National Community Health Assistant) training cascade

Data Source: Liberia CHA Program Training Roll Out Standard Operating Procedure (SOP), 2016.

Data sets collected by community health workers (CHAs) and their supervisors (CHSSs)

In 2008, only 51 doctors in Liberia served a population of roughly 3.7 million

Data Source: WHO Global Health Observatory

Family Planning Coverage in Liberia 2014

Four phases in transition of operational management of Liberia's CHA program to government 

Data Source: Last Mile Health

Funding availability by county (estimated in 2017)

Data Source: National Community Health Worker costing tool; Ministry of Health of Liberia analysis

Funding shortfall: total projected expenses and funding for national CHW (community health assistant) program

Data Source: Ministry of Health of Liberia

CHW (National Community Health Assistant) program overview

Estimated health worker density in Liberia

Data Source: Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME)

Health indicators in Liberia

Data Source: Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME)

Development assistance for health in Liberia

Data Source: Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME)

Projected National Community Health Assistan (NHCA) program expenses

Data Source: Last Mile Health and Global Fund estimations

Ratio of CHWs (community health assistants) and community health services supervisors to covered population in Liberia

Data Source: Ministry of Health of Liberia

Monthly Estimates of CHW Activities

Data source: Ministry of Health
